Sunday, January 10, 2010

The last tomorrow...

Tomorrow.  What a powerful word.  When I say it there's a feeling of relief.  I'll do it tomorrow.  Tomorrow things will be better.  And as we all know tomorrow never comes so it's like a permanent pass on living in the now, doing what I know has to be done.  In other words it is the cheapest cop-out anyone could ever use.  But I've used it for a very long time.  Too long.  And it has all caught up to me.  My body is a wreck.  My home is a mess.  Thank God for a loving, understanding husband.  He loves me in spite of it all.  I have to change.  I want to change.  

My goal is for every tomorrow I've wasted to be replaced by a today that will be filled with joy, laughter, feeling and looking better.  My goal is to return to a normal size me who can honestly look in the mirror without the feeling of dread seeping into every pore of my mind, spirit, body.  

I want to be the me I know is within my power to be.  God has blessed me with much to be grateful for.  

See you tomorrow..and every today after that.